sábado, 10 de março de 2012


Vídeos da Índia

Casamento indiano na rua em Agra

Um comentário:

Rohit disse...

So , this is the most amazing part of an Indian wedding ..This is the procession from Groom's family , where all his friends and relatives are a part of this procession and are going altogther to bride's place for marriage ceremony . People dance on different notes and music. This particular dance or music thats going on here is Bhangra from the state Punjab , but is famous all over the India , because of its vibrating and pulsating notes.We can see there , our groom is all well dressed in his robe and is the most prominent part of the procession .He ususally rides a chariot , a horse , sometimes in a big car these days.. Welll the dance could last for couple of hours and everyone dances until they reach to the entrance of bride's place, where they are all welcomed.. I miss the music and the vibes and the spirits..Thats amazing ....